
Samsung Galaxy J6 review

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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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This phone has the best User interface in it's budget, and the phone is pretty cheap. I have the 4/64 GB device, and it's Android 8.0 Oreo. The phone is light weight and easy to carry, the camera is 13 MP with f/1.9, 28mm which is pretty much cool, and it can record an video on 1080p@30fps. The phone doesn't lag too much, but if you have a lot of app installed in it, it gonna lag then. Gaming on this device is great too because the games has the best graphics quality and games sometimes do lag, but not that much actually!

Phone or Device Usage
I use this phone for my personal use and it helps me a lot, because we can now install the banking apps. Sometimes I use this phone for banking purposes like transferring my money to other bank or stuff like that, and I use it to talk with my friends and relative!

Network quality is great, phone doesn't lag too much, Camera is really great, Sound of the phone has the quality.Ram is good because the phone sometimes won't hang, Rom is pretty big for me. Games are great and I love spending most of my time in phone so the phone doesn't gets heated up.

The phone sometimes lags if you have installed a lot of apps in it. But overall it's a great mobile! I don't have any other complaint for the device!
I would recommend this phone to you if you are looking for a cheap device!

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