
Samsung Galaxy S10e review

M Updated
(1 reviews)
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Service provider used with the phone: TMobile - Q&A | Reviews
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US model, Snapdragon 855

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I use it to play video games, make phone calls, send messages through WhatsApp, take surveys, watch videos, and other social media.

I like that it has the new snapdragon 855, which is taking everything like it's nothing. It runs so smooth and I like then UI, which is something I couldn't say about Samsung smartphones. I also like the flat screen. Smartphones have been in this trend to use curved displays which don't like screen protectors. I also like the size, it easily fits in my pocket. I also like that it has the new android update and that itit's camera supports 4k hdr video. The new cameras (ultrawide) are awesome to use.  

I don't like that the camera lacks sharpness, so I had to download a 3rd party camera app. I also don't like the fact that it has a camera bump and the way the camera looks makes it look old, it's like big on a small phone.
Overall, I really like this phone. My only suggestions are to keep updating these phones with newer software updates, putting the camera under the back panel so that it's flush with the back glass, and to improve the camera's software - not necessarily the software.

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Northwoods mall

User reviews


I like this phone, if you like android phones or samsung phones specifically, you won't regret buying this phone considering the price and guts this phone has.