
sony xperia Z ultra review

R Updated
(1 reviews)
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Phone or Device purchased at: delhi
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This phone have many features but some special specifications like 
Processor - Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 2.2GHz quad-core CPU.
Camera - 8MP rear and 2 MP back
Dimensions - 179.4 x 92.2 x 6.5 mm.
Battery - 3000 mah
and also having some special features in less range or cost that are suitable

Phone or Device Usage
i saw randomly it on amazon . The features attracted me and i looked it upon continuously and continue reading its features and impressed and like it a lot

its basic features are really attractive and anyone can buy it on this range 
its screen is smooth and can be easily managed 

i dislike basically its ram only
basically this phone is not available now a days as i think so but can be rarely found in some shops so i prefer it to those peoples who want to try sony mobile phones

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himachal pradesh

User reviews


like this phone and easily managed so it can be very nice one at that cost