
TECNO LA7 review

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(77 reviews)
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Service provider used with the phone: Safaricom - Q&A | Reviews
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Every technical aspect of this phone is fantastic!
 It has a super battery of 5000 mAh which typically lasts 45 hours without recharging as the device is in active use.
 With a resolution of 1440*720, the phone has a bright crystal display which has a selection of superb themes for customers' customization.
 The phone is 6'' inch and sleek with no beautification, just the required ports and keys correctly separated and in absolutely good condition.
 It is fast as it is coupled with 3 GB RAM and 16 GB ROM which also has slots for additional external memory expandable up to 128 GB. 
 Tecno LA7 has a fast charger which only takes two hours for a complete charge and does not overheat nor the phone during charging. 
 Everyone likes good photos! Tecno LA7 has a good camera with 13 MP rear and 8 MP front camera both with auto-focus and flash feature present. 
 Surfing the internet is made easier with LA7. It is a 4-G enabled smartphone which has a download rate of up to 8mbps. 
 The phone has a highly responsive screen and therefore, quickly perform operations in less time. 
 Coupled with 1.3GHz and 4CPU-Core Count, Tecno LA7 is fast to browse, respond to commands, and receive prompt data. 

Phone or Device Usage
My phone is everything.
It is my wake up alarm, for deadlines, meetings, and other crucial dates.
My notebook on my phone saves me from carrying pens and notebooks around as it is easy to type and categorize the information.
Accessing information from the internet is now easier through my Tecno LA7 smartphone, which fast and efficient.
Taking photos does not require filters anymore as the camera itself is amazingly good with no add-ons.
Communication is easier now with emails, text messages, Facebook, and other online channels.
Making calls is comfortable with Tecno LA7, and the audio speakers are perfectly audible as well as the earpiece.
Entertainment through Youtube, music, and videos is easy as the screen is large, bright and has an auto-rotation feature which automatically rotates as you tilt the phone.
I use my phone to keep track of all my daily activities through installed planning applications.
Getting directions is also another use for my phone, especially when driving in places I am not familiar with.
Banking is yet another use for my phone. With mobile banking applications on my phone, I can perfectly transact while at the comfort of my comfy seat at home.

Tecno LA7 is sleek, light and comes in either grey or black color, which looks amazing.
 It is highly sensitive to human touch thus fast.
 Face unlock feature makes it more fun, just by looking at the phone, it unlocks!
 Internet speed is amazing.
 Lasting battery with reduced charging period.
 Screen resolution is the best.
 The eye-care feature is also amazing as it reduces screen brightness for people with eye-sight issues. 
 It has an excellent pair of earphones that are durable, quality, and fitting.
 Android 8.1 has well synchronized Gmail, Google Play store, and Google Photos has an excellent display for photos and videos back-up.
 It also has a secure photo vault where important and personal images can be kept from unauthorized access .

As much as the phone is amazingly good, there are a few dislikes.
1. The phone comes with no selfie-stick.
2. It has no external memory card.
3. It is light and therefore, hard to notice when it is out of pocket or lost.
4. It cannot take pictures with the flash enabled when it has less than 15% charge.
5. Tecno LA7 has annoying pop-up ads, especially on display.
6. It has less default phone applications, and therefore, one has to add them.
7. The phone consumes huge amounts of data bundles within a short span due to its high download rate.

Some of the few areas where the manufacturer can improve include;
1. The pop-up ads should be minimized or blocked.
2. The phone should come in a set of all additions such as selfie-sticks and external memory cards.
3. The screen should also have a manufacturers screen-guard.
4. The number of crucial applications, especially the one that revolves around planning and personal organization.
5. It should also have a back-up power or have inbuilt batteries which can also serve as the rear cases to improve battery life to four days.
6.lastly, the Tecno Mobile Company should consider adopting the recent wireless technology, especially in charging and earphones.

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