
Vivo Y51L review

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(1 reviews)
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Vivo Y51L  is a one of the best phone under 15000 rupees in market, Vivo Y51L have 5.0 inch IPS display and the processor is 1.2 GHz snapdragon 410 Quad-core with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage and this can be expanded up to 128 GB. This phone have 8-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front camera and 2350mah battery. The ROM version is Funtouch OS_2.5 and the software version is PD1510F_EX_A_1.19.0 and the android version is 5.0.2  Lollipop.

Phone or Device Usage
Vivo Y51L is good for medium size applications and games and this phone is good for taking pictures because it has an 8-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front camera and this phone helping to improve our video call efficiency. Vivo Y51L has good 16 GB storage space, Expanded up to 128 GB this helps to save our large files in the phone. This phone has less amount of hanging problems compared to other phones in this segment.

1)Good storage space, 2 GB internal storage expanded up to 128 GB
2)good front and rear cameras
3)Good for browsing and chatting
4)Less amount of hang issues compared to others

1)Size is small compared to other phones in this segment
2)The navigation bar is not attached to the display
3)Not good for large file games like pubg...
4)Battery life is very poor and needs more than 2 hours for full charging
1)Improve battery capacity
2)Improve the size of the phone
3)Attach navigation bar to the display

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User reviews


Now days there is better phones available in market compared to Vivo Y51L at the same price.