
Check Email with Siri

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Check Email with Siri
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Hi everybody! Wanna see a brand new trick you can do with your Iphone? Do you want to check your email without having to read your email on your Iphone? Then you have come to the right place! The first thing you must do is pick up your Iphone (this works on almost every version). Then you can press the home button on your Iphone for a few seconds. You must set the language to English and turn on Siri. Siri is basically the voice control app that can perform tasks by voice command. You must command Siri to read your email. After that a window will pop up and Siri will start reading your email. It won´t read all the email but it will say when you recieved your emails, from whom and the subject. After that you can say if you want Siri to read more and if you say yes it will carry on reading your email. This is a very cool tip if you receive a lot of emails and are very busy, so if you are a businessperson this tip is perfect for you! Please check the screenshots to follow this guide.

This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | iOS 12 iphone 5s | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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