
How to get 5X Zoom and other smartphone hacks

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How to get 5X Zoom and other smartphone hacks
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Speed up charing: Use Airplane mode to speed up charging of your phone.
5X Zoom: Your phone has a macro lens, which means it has a limitation in zooming. You can find clip lens for your phone, however, it costs money. You can increase the zooming feature of your phone by dropping a single drop of water on the camera lens. This will increase the zoom of your smartphone camera.
Using flash as a lamp: You can use your phone's flash as a torchlight, however, if you want to use it as a lamp in the room when there is a power cut, put your phone's flash over the bottle filled with water.
Recovering deleted files: If your phone does not have recovery option for deleted files, you can use an app called Dumpster. This app works similar to Recycle Bin. 


This tip is relevant to: Smartphone | All Android Android Phones | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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