
iPhone 6 review

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(1 reviews)
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Service provider used with the phone: Verizon - Q&A | Reviews
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The phone has some issues. It will randomly die or run out of battery while I'm outside of my house. My phone has died when it was at 70% for no apparent reason. I've had the phone for two years and it's already starting to reach the end of its lifespan.

Phone or Device Usage
I use this phone for leisure. I use it mainly to communicate with my friends and stay in touch with my family. I use it a lot for social media apps as well, specifically Instagram and Snapchat.

The phone itself is a good size. It's very portable so I can easily fit it in my phone or in my back pocket. I like how the phone is popular enough that it has a wide variety of phone cases that I can buy for it. It also has a good amount of storage so I can take a lot of pictures while also downloading fun apps,

The phone has battery issues and has had a short lifespan overall. It glitches out a lot and will shut down after using an app that takes some more power than usual, like snapchat.
I would suggest that there be more focused on making the phone's battery better. The iPhone 6 can't stand any sort of mildly extreme temperature change, or else it will shut down. Especially in cold weather, the battery will drain rapidly.

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User reviews


The phone is no longer reliable after only 2 years of use.