
iPhone 6 review

S Updated
(1 reviews)
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Phone or Device purchased at: Kerala
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Service provider used with the phone: Airtel - Q&A | Reviews
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It works smoothly. It has all the features  I need like picture quality, memory space, perfect sound system etc. Loved this device.  Overall it's good and it works very fast. 

Phone or Device Usage
I used it mainly to access internet.

Great new software features
High speed
Good memory space

Very Expensive
Shorter battery life than rivals
This phone is one of the best phone I have used basically everything is good in this phone and it's user friendly . It's great one as its battery life is long and browsing speed is excellent. The phone’s design and different variant look damn good and in this phone we don't have that flat edges and sharp angles of previous iphone. Overall it is good. It works smoothly. It has all the features I need like picture quality, memory space, perfect sound system etc. The camera resolution is great as usual provided by Apple. The display is superb, I would definitely recommend this phone to those who wants to try something new and different and to those who are currently using android and wants to switch to ios , Start from this.

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St. Sebastian Church

User reviews

S (3 reviews)

Satisfied with this device.