
iphone 8 review

JL Updated
(1 reviews)
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Service provider used with the phone: Bell - Q&A | Reviews
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An iPhone 8, it is black with 64gbs of storage. It has a 5.5-inch screen, an Apple A11 Bionic CPU, 3gbs of RAM and weighs 202g.

Phone or Device Usage
I use this phone for everyday use. Mostly I use the phone to browse social media and news articles. Mainly Facebook and Instagram. I also use it to text and call my friends and parents, and to schedule my days in the calendar app. Additionally, I use the phone to take and store pictures as well as documents such as my car insurance and tax forms. I also use the phone for music and streaming platforms such as Youtube and Spotify. Lastly, I also use the phone to play games casually from the App Store, for example when I'm waiting in line at a store, or in a waiting room, I can take out my device and play games to pass the time.

I many things about this device. Mainly, I love the size of the phone, not too big, not too small. It has great picture quality, and its screen is a nice size to passively watch Netflix and Youtube on. I also enjoy that the phone has wireless charging. When I see a charging station I often don't have a cable with me so being able to lay the phone on a pad and have it charge quickly is very nice. Lastly, I like the speed of the phone and its storage capabilities. Everything loads very quickly and the user experience is very smooth. Additionally, I never find myself having to clear the phone of junk to make room for more pictures, it seems to have more than enough storage for me.

I dislike a few features about this phone, but my main concerns are the glass back and lack of auxiliary port. The glass back allows wireless charging, however, makes the phone susceptible to damage, and cracks which are quite expensive to have fixed by Apple. Additionally, you have to bring an adapter with you to have access to auxiliary ports which is very inconvenient if you don't have a pair of wireless headphones.
I would suggest that Apple make the back easier to repair in case of damage, as they cannot remove the glass back. Apple should provide a better alternative than a clunky adapter which is very annoying and inconvenient.

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Bidgoods Park

User reviews


I enjoy this phone very much and would highly recommend it over Apples older phones that have fewer features. I will be keeping this phone until I am forced to get a new one because I love it so much!