
iPhone XR review

H Updated
(1 reviews)
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Phone or Device purchased at: AT&T Retail Store
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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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Coral iPhone XR 
64 GB
6.1 inch screen size
Dual SIM
25 hour talk time battery life
6-core processor
LCD display
3.3 ft max water depth resistance 

Phone or Device Usage
I use this device to make phone calls and text messages/iMessages. I use the FaceTime app as well as other apps like Facebook Messenger to make video calls. I browse the internet. I use various social media apps, especially Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Pinterest. I play games. I work from home using my device along with my computer. I listen to music on various apps, such as Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music. I also use shopping apps like Amazon and use the Amazon Alexa app.

This device is easy to use. The glass is very strong, and it seems to be the strongest out of any iPhone I have used so far. The device is very fast and fluid. I love the Face ID function of the device. This function makes using my apps much quicker and easier. The camera is very clear on both the front and back. I like the size of this device and how it fits in my hands when I hold it. I like the display of this device and how clear it is. The color choices of this device were very exciting, as well!

I dislike that the charging port is on the bottom of the device when held upright. This makes it uncomfortable to hold and rest on myself as I’m using it while it is charging. The location of the charging port is also uncomfortable on my smallest finger, as that is typically where my finger tends to fall while holding and using my device. I wish the Face ID function was slightly faster. I dislike using Siri on my device. Siri never works how I anticipate, so I don’t even bother trying anymore.
My suggestions would be to update Face ID to make it work faster. I would prefer if the charging port was moved to a different location to make holding the device more comfortable. This device is also a bit thick, so it should be skimmed down a bit. The camera is great, but it would be helpful to have some extra manual controls when taking photos. This device is also lacking 3D Touch, which should be brought back. It would be good to be able to take portrait photos of things other than people, as well.

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User reviews


Honestly, this iPhone does not compare to my iPhone 8 plus. Although I am very happy with iPhone as a whole and I do like the camera quality and accessibility options, my iPhone XR often crashes in the middle of apps or starts freezing. I never had a single...