Tips & Tricks
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I want to buy iphone 6 . I want to know what's new in iphone 6
in Phone equipments by dzboy

3 Answers

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The IPhone 6 has a more powerful processor and graphical processing unit, slightly better screen quality, about an hour extra battery capacity,  and up to 128GB storage instead of 64GB.   The largest physical difference is that it's a larger form factor if you get the bigger IPhone,  thus more screen space.
by cellnut
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I`m pretty happy that Apple has finally entered the era of 8MP cameras, I have been using this type or even bigger cameras on Android-based smartphones and it was a big disadvantage in the case of iPhone

For the moment, iPhone 6 is still too expensive in my country, up to 500 EURO, I`m waiting for some discounts:)
by costin
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iphone 6 is amazing with many features. It has over 14 million apps but it is very expensive.
by yoki61

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