Tips & Tricks
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in DataCamp by rebecca499

1 Answer

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New members will be added to the Waiting List if you use an invite link and your organization does not have any licenses available. Admins will need to manually shift members from the Waiting List to All Members after extra licenses have been acquired.

When a new member is accepted into your organization, they will receive an email.

• Go to the Members section of the menu bar.

• Choose a Waiting List.

• In the All Members section, click Add for each member you'd like to enroll.

One of the advantages of using an invite link is that you can provide users across your company access to DataCamp without having to invite each one individually. It is recommend having a decent buffer of licenses accessible in your organization to minimize people having to wait until they are granted access. You can acquire a new buffer of licenses as soon as the number of licenses approaches zero.
by rebecca499

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