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in Other Telecom Products by priyashi_11

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Hololens can transform your world with holograms.HoloLens, the virtual reality headset it is a classic of the genre, showing some of the wild things people might one day do in their homes and offices with the technology.Microsoft's HoloLens is not actually producing 3D images that everyone can see,Instead of everyone walking into a room made to reproduce 3D images, Microsoft's goggles show images only the wearer can see. Everyone else will just think you're wearing goofy-looking glasses.The company is not trying to transport you to a different world, but rather bring the wonders of a computer directly to the one you're living in. Microsoft is overlaying images and objects onto our living rooms.As a HoloLens wearer, you'll still see the real world in front of you. You can walk around and talk to others without worrying about bumping into walls smiley

by divina009
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The company is offering real-world examples to show how you might use three-dimensional digital images - or holograms - in daily life. HOLOLENS projects a realistic image on a screen in front of your eyes, but the screen is transparent, so you can still see what's in front of you. The holograms respond to gestures and spoken commands, detected by cameras and other sensors in the device.

Microsoft HoloLens puts you at the center of a world that blends holograms with reality. With the ability to design and shape holograms, you’ll have a new medium to express your creativity, a more efficient way to teach and learn, and a more effective way to visualize your work and share idea. Microsoft HoloLens intelligently maps the room you’re in, blending holograms with the environment around you. 

by shre

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