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in Smartphones by shre

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Samsung just announced a 36% drop in profits for the 4th quarter in 2014. This can be attributed to one major reason - COMPETITION.

Apple is the biggest competitor, and with the influx into the high-end big screen market, Samsung's market share in this area suffered a huge decline. Samsung used to be the first choice in the big screen market but not anymore.

Also newcomers from China, like Xiaomi are eating into the low-end market. So Samsung's new venture into the low-end market didn't go according to their plan.
by onyiuzo
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no one knows the real reason, but in my opinion they got new competition in young but very successful Chinese phone manufactures who sell fairly good products for less money. Second Samsung have to stop to sell us half-baked products for high price, for instance galaxy Alpha has ridiculously weak battery, S5's design is awful, and they did not make inovative flagship phone since S2 and S3...  we will see what S6 is going to bring us

by oli

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