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Just curios, with the hype of laptop, tablet and smartphone, anyone still using or prefers using desktop?
in Other Telecom Services by 23and14and20

2 Answers

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It's a relief to relax my eyes on a big display, after a week of working on tablet and smartphone

I usually play games on desktop during weekends
by costin
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Definitely - a lot of apps and sites don't have the full features of programs on the desktop still. Well, I do use a laptop more now, but still consider it more of a desktop due to it's size.

As for functionality, for example, I use Canva to create images for work, but not even my tablet has all of the features available, according to the site when I log on and when I try to design. Also, even MS Word doesn't have all of the features I use when editing with track-changes and such. Or they are hard to use even with a stylus. If I could edit from my mobile phone and show my work, I'd rarely get on a desktop!
by ladybug8

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