
Samsung Galaxy J6 review

SG Updated
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Phone or Device purchased at: Gondia, Maharashtra, India
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Service provider used with the phone: RELIANCE JIO - Q&A | Reviews
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I use Galaxy J6 with following specification:
  1. 5.6-inch screen, the battery 3000 mAh 
  2. Dimensions 70.2 x 149.3 x 8.2 mm 
  3. Weight 154 grams and meager you can easily take it in your grasp 
  4. accessible hues are Blue, Black, Gold, I counsel to purchase gold shading tasteful 
  5. back camera 13 MP and front camera 8 MP 
  6. Samsung Exynos 7 Octa 7870 Tru-Octa Core Processor. 3 GB RAM. 32 GB internal storage, expandable upto 256 GB.
  7. the smartphone is given wifi and bluetooth
  8. 3000 mAh battery.

Phone or Device Usage
I use this smartphone as secondary phone.

Super AMOLED Infinity Display.
  1. Better UI

Overpriced:Performance could be better and smartphones like the Redmi Note 5 Pro, Realme C2, Realme 3i and Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 offer more value for money.
I think more options available like Redmi, realme, asus zenfone etc. I think they offer more value for money.

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