
Samsung Galaxy J6 review

HH Updated
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Phone or Device purchased at: Samsung
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Service provider used with the phone: AT&T - Q&A | Reviews
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It's a nice size has a lot of storage. And the camera is really good quality.

Phone or Device Usage
You use the phone like any other basic Android phone. Use the screen to navigate you use the buttons to navigate. If you know Android you'll know this phone.

The size of the phone is incredible. It's exactly what I want and it's exactly what I need. The camera is decent. And the price tag is just incredible. It's an amazing phone for the price and it works without any issues.

It's hard to dislike anything on this phone because it's such a good phone for its price. The only thing like I will mention in the next column is that the screen resolution is a bit low but overall it's a great phone.
The only suggestion I would have is to make the screen resolution a little bit higher in the future.

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