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It seems that my battery drains way too quickly; how can I remedy this?
in Smartphones by luckypony1234

3 Answers

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You can change various settings inside of your phone to extend your battery life, such as turning down your brightness for example. You can also download power management apps, so look for these on Google.
by gejtkeep
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You could use power management apps for your phone. However, if you have used your phone for quite some time and you have noticed that your phone has drained too quickly, maybe for a few minutes, I suggest you check your battery if it has used up and needs replacement. Thanks.
by stellarboy
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You cannot extend phone's battery life but can try to save it. Always charge your phone before its battery dies out. Try to charge it when the battery is 20-30% left. Do not install unnecessary apps or games that you don't play.
by vikas_sha

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