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I have been using Tata Docomo since so long as my primary number. And now I started using Jio and Airtel only because of their attractive offers. But still, I don't want to Deactivate my Docomo number. I don't understand why they do not want to compete with other service providers?
in India (+91) by poor4me

2 Answers

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Tata docomo is planning to quit the market for a some time. However, there are new compettive plan which you can consider. there are two new prepaid plan for 28 day validity 64 and 82. which is quite promising. Visit to nearest store to avail the offer
by bhaskar
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I am also the old user of Docomo. Earlier they offer all unlimited for 298 but I was able to use it for one time only. I never heard anything new exciting about data plans since long.
by jenutheangel

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