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Is it bad to use a phone to call or play music when it is carging?
in Smartphones by losakaniroshan

5 Answers

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Best answer
No. That is only a myth, that you should not use your phone while charging. Although you should be warned that using fake/low quality chargers and/or phone batteries may be risky.
by rgd2014
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No, Its not bad to use phone while charging but in some cases you may face overheating problem due to excessive use like playing games.
by alice_b3211
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No.. Because recently yesterday i heared in the news that the boy died while he was charging the phone and talking simultaneously.. Nothing is more important than our life.
by niketa
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No as long as you use a quality branded charger.  There are cases of overheating and explosion if you use substandard charger.
by 23and14and20
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No it is not bad to use music while charging a phone or tablet, although never use a pair of headphones while using music while your phone is charging because there may be a chance that you charger may send a static that while travel to your headphones up to your ears.
by zyrus14

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