Tips & Tricks
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in Musixmatch by rebecca499

1 Answer

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The curators can revoke the status of musixmatch. For this the lyrics curators need to set an example for the whole community of team. The curators might receive some warnings from the team if they ignore the respect factor in writing guidelines.

If they show inactivity more than 6 months. The use of inappropriate language. The offensive language is the harsh step which is not allowed in the musixmatch community. And many curators received warning on this.

If they don’t pay attention on the slack emails and reply which are sent by the content team of the musixmatch. If the team get the higher number of complaints regarding the curators’ behaviors, then they immediately send them warning.

The curator status and its privilege, would be revoked from the curators who received more than 3 warnings. Some rules are applied, in the situation where lyrics curators ignoring the writing guidelines. The rules contain eventual pending payments.
by rebecca499

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