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in DataCamp by rebecca499

1 Answer

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DataCamp for Classrooms is now only available to high school instructors in the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2022, Data camp intend to expand the initiative throughout Europe and beyond.

DataCamp wants to hear from you if you are a high school teacher in a country other than the United States or the United Kingdom and would want to apply for DataCamp for Classrooms! Please notify Data Camp team at and CC using your official school email address.

• Candidate Name.

• Candidate School Name.

• School District (If acceptable).

• Your school complete mailing address.

• Your school’s website.

• On the school's website, go to your faculty page.

• Your school contact number and email address.

• Which class you want’s to teach.

A member of Data camp team will collaborate with you to deliver DataCamp for Classrooms to all of your country's high schools, transforming you into a national hero.


While Data Camp would like to make DataCamp for Classrooms available to teachers all over the world, Data Camp can't promise a schedule or even if it'll be possible. This is very dependent on your country's education, internet, and privacy legislation.

by rebecca499

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