Tips & Tricks
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in Internet Equipments by aniket

6 Answers

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Wireless is better
by pdmanohari
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Wired, Without a doubt.

You will always get the fastest network speeds via a wired connection as theres less that can interfere with it.

With Wireless it is basically using radio waves, so anything on a similar frequency or any objects in the way etc are all hurdles the signal has to get though.
by stecrook
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Wireless is better.

You can connect wherever you want, ideal for users of laptops and mobiles, as you can connect more devices than via a wired connection.
by talla
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Wired is a faster better connection but wireless lets you have a lot more freddom with what you connect and where.
by ben-johnson
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Wired is best all times because wirless loose signals on anything between them
by cyber-teacher
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Both is good for me as long as you have a reliable internet service provider then it wont matter.  However, if iam on the go then i will prefer wireless connection.
by 23and14and20

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