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in Smartphones by divina009

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We've determined 4 causes which cause apps to crash constantly.

1. A bad installation after updates: If any update didn't install correctly that application will eventually crash and a report request will show up on your screen.

2. Low memory availability: Just a any computer, your phone requires memory resources to function. Because Android apps also linger in the background they do too need memory resources to work. Cleaning your memory with apps like "
All in One Toolbox to keep your systems ROM, RAM and SD card in good shape.

3. Viruses or bugs on apps: This is a given, an infected phone will cause apps to crash because they also consume resources.

4. Issues with the apps manager within Android, this could be a tricky option, since uninstalling the apps manager in android will have you into a world of issues. Checking for OS updates is the best way to resolve apps manager issues but that's another subject all along.
by compudoctores

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