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Who has the best cusomer service in Australia ?
in Other Telecom Services by ben-johnson

5 Answers

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SLT telecom provides the best internet facilities
by pdmanohari
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Good yes, perfect no.

Like in the philippines we have 2 giant competitors (globe and smart) but both serve their purpose but way far from being perfect.  They both have good and bad points.
by 23and14and20
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yes, I found BSNL broadband, which service is best in my place, for USB modem Vodafone is best.
by satyasakha-tripathy-9
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Hey,, I think MTS is is best in india, however in many of the states still there is no service but where ever it is its good enough and much money saver with huge data plans....
by abhikant1985
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Hey,, I think MTS is is best in india, however in many of the states still there is no service but where ever it is its good enough and much money saver with huge data plans....

by mario1234

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