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in Satellite Telecom (TV & Internet) by prateek_gpta

3 Answers

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Wireless Internet routers or Wi-Fi modems use dangerous electromagnetic radiation to send their signals to your computer through walls. If you have a wireless Internet router set up in your home or office (or WiMax, Blue Tooth, Air-Port Extreme, Air-Port Express, Netgear, D-Link, Belkin, Linksys and other wireless network devices) you are receiving massive EMF exposure, and living or working in a dangerous soup of radiation.

These antenna radiation patterns have been shown to lead to numerous health problems. We’ll discuss the technologies and the wifi health risks below, and the SafeSpace solutions that can help prevent them.

by vijju050888
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Wi-Fi modems use dangerous electromagnetic radiation to send their signals to your computer through walls. If you have a wireless Internet router set up in your home you are receiving massive EMF exposure (Electromagnetic fields), and living or working in a dangerous soup of radiation. wi fi heath damage comes from cable modems and DSL routers don’t get turned off at night: they stay on. connecting your machines to the internet whether you’re surfing or not, and flooding your space with EMFs 24/7.For safety use turned off the wifi when not in use :)
by divina009
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Yes very much, but it is safer compared to cellphone signals.

Science has conducted several researches on the WiFi waves and concluded that WiFi waves may cause cancer. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified WiFi as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.

by talla

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