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in Other Telecom Products by kapil_roxx

2 Answers

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There's nothing wrong with using laptops while they're charging, at least, I haven't noticed any issues with recent generation laptops. In a manner of speaking your laptop is always in a 'charging' state when plugged in because slowly over time the battery discharges.

However, older model laptops, maybe, 4-6 years ago had signicantly higher heat output and when charging this heat output increased even further, coupled with a lot of dust inside the laptops could pose a potential hardware damage risk.
by cellnut
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In my opinion,it is not bad to use the laptop while charging. I have been using my laptop forthe past 3 years and it has not developed any type of fault from usage whilecharging.


However, you must not overcharge the battery. When it is full and you are still using it, unplug the charger for a while and then charge it back when you have used part of the battery power.
by jaylawshegs200

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