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in Other Telecom Products by onyiuzo

2 Answers

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Fibre optics tend to have significant advantages when compared to their disadvantages, however that being said. They tend to have high bandwidth capacity and are very future proof in terms of the ability to adapt to newer technologies. Fibre connections can go a very long distance without any loss when compared to traditional copper based technology. It is a much safer technology as well because it does not rely on the transmission of electricity in order to operate and hence no risk of electric shock.  On the other hand, fiber optic technology is more expensive to deploy, they can be easily damaged and are expensive to repair, and due to their fragility they require significantly more protection which increases their cost.
by cellnut
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The pros of fiber network are: extremely high bandwidth, easy to accommodate increasing bandwidth, resistance to electromagnetic interference, and an early detection of cable damage and secure transmissions.
The cons are: the installation costs while dropping are still high, special test equipment is often required, susceptibility to physical damage, and wildlife damage to fiber optic cables.
by lora

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