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Although calling cards may be used for domestic phone calls, they are most useful when making international phone calls, particularly while traveling abroad.

Calling cards come equipped with personal identification numbers for your protection and security. Most companies require you to enter the PIN before granting you access to the calling card’s funds. PINs often are printed on a piece of paper found inside the calling card’s packaging.

Most calling cards provide detailed usage instructions on the card itself or inside the packaging. Whether calling domestically or internationally, begin by dialing the toll-free number listed on the instructions. When prompted, enter the PIN. You will be provided with account information, such as the remaining dollar amount on the card, and then typically asked to enter the phone number you wish to call, including the country code. Before using the card, research the country codes of nations you may call as well as the steps for calling outside your country. Due to different rules and regulations, some nations restrict the use of calling cards, so research your destination’s guidelines before you buy a card with a high dollar value that ends up going to waste.
by onyiuzo

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