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in Satellite Telecom (TV & Internet) by aniket

2 Answers

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The concept of Internet bandwidth refers to the amount of data that may be transferred over an Internet connection per second. Bandwidth is measured in bits per second, and most Internet connections have a bandwidth on the scale of megabits per second. Every Internet connection has a specified maximum bandwidth, but many factors can combine to limit this for a particular device. This results in a slowness of the perceived speed of a connection. The factors that affect bandwidth can originate in an individual computer and the nature of the Internet connection itself.

by cyber-teacher
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Bandwidth affects how long it takes to download or upload information over the Internet. A connection that has plenty of bandwidth available provides a smooth, responsive user experience. The more available bandwidth, the more quickly data can be transferred; however, the law of diminishing returns applies here. Once you have sufficient bandwidth, Internet performance is not further affected.

by pdmanoharii

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