
View full websites in iOS browser

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View full websites in iOS browser
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This tip is helpful when you are visiting a website on your mobile browser. Certain websites do not allow you to view the full website when not viewing the page in that respective website's app from App Store and will prompt you to download the app in order to continue use. For example, and Facebook messenger. I find this trick helpful when I do not want to download the app in order to use and I want to remain on my phone's browser. When you visit the website in question, find the "share" button on your iOS browser and click on it. Options will pop up and so you want to click on "Request Desktop Site." This will then prompt your browser to allow you to browse the website in its entirety and I am even able to send facebook messages without using the Messenger or Facebook App. 

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 11.4.1 iPhone 6 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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