
Improved QR Code reader with iOS 12

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Improved QR Code reader with iOS 12
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QR Code reader app in iOS 12 will automatically detect a QR code and display the information. Now you can also add the shortcut of QR code reader to Control Center for easier access. After adding shortcut, you just have to bring control center by swiping up from any screen and tap the shortcut for QR Code reader.

To add the shortcut, go to Settings > Control Center > Customize Controls and scroll down to tap + to the left of Scan QR Code. Now the shortcut should have been added in the Control Center.

If you don’t want the camera to detect any QR code automatically, then you can turn this off at Settings > Camera > Scan QR Codes.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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