Tips & Tricks
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Hello Everybody , i set up Ansys 2013 but an error message appears
" Licence not fixed" please , is there anyone of you how know how to fix it
thank you
in Other Telecom Products by aflah-elouneg

1 Answer

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The solution is
go to server ANSYS_ADMIN utility (right click->run it as administrator)
Stop the license server...

//verify if your port is in use or not. go to command prompt -> type 'netstat -a check the ports in use, you should fine port 1055 in use, so change it to any random number say 1056 //

go to "specify license machine" change the port no from 1055 to1056 (or any other port number)

now go to X:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing (x = drive)

now open your license.dat file in that folder and change the port no to the one you set above..
// You might face a problem that you might not be able to save it after changes, for this copy the license.dat file to desktop, modify and save and then copy and replace the file in the ansys license folder//

go to server ANSYS_ADMIN utility, and install the license file (one which you modified above)
and start the server.

// if If still Flexm service is not running  then "run the license wizard" and install the same license file. continue and this should work //
by onyiuzo

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