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in Chat & Messaging by bijay

3 Answers

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For me, it's Android anytime any day
by laurenbrax
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Thats a good question!

Both I-Phone and Android phones have a variety of benefits for the consumer. Lets go over some of the main differences I noticed

Battery Life:

If not charged everyday, Android phones have a considerably lower battery life than their Apple Counterparts. If you need a smartphone for extended vacations or buisness trips where an outlet may not be readily available - Apple would be your choice.


In my option, the newest I-Phones are severly overpriced (the latest costing from $800 to $900 USD). The Moto G4 Plus which costs about $240 USD has pretty much the same performance levels as the I-Phone 7 - only about $600 cheaper.


On average, I noted that the Google Play store on the Android tends to have more apps at cheaper prices than the Apple Store. On the other hand, i-Tunes tends to be cheaper than music available on the Android.
by paranoidwizard6
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I think I phone is better iphone is better because it has better security service, faster access to the apps, it's easy and convenient for you to open an app by just long pressing on the app icon on the home screen. People also say that it has better hardware and soft ware integration. Beside that, if you want to sync your photos from your phone to other device, iphone is smoother and faster, especially it can transfer messages to your Macbook.
by tina

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