Tips & Tricks
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I notice that with a specific service provider when my signal bar shows full strength my battery lasts longer. But on my other phone the signal bar shows one or two points less (weak signals) my battery lasts less. Is it my doubt or problem with battery or does quality of mobile signals have anything to do with this phenomena? Both mobiles are same model and bought at same time but using different carriers.
in Other Telecom Products by sahib74
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To the extent of my knowledge, the battery life shouldn't be affected by the signal, but sometimes fluctuating signals may cause battery drain.

3 Answers

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It can improve battery life. If signal constantly fluctuates it can have negative effect on battery life. Stable signal is the best option.
by kalabaster
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A phone constantly searches for network signal even when it is in idle mode. The weaker the signal, the more it tries to search out a stronger signal for you. All these serachings are powered by the battery, so yes, battery lasts longer when the signal strength is strong.
by onyiuzo
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If your mobile network if weak and you cannot send SMS successfully, chances are you will keep on sending it until it get sent. Or you will keep on getting drop calls so tendency is to keep on dialing or calling.  It consumes a lot of battery life.

Same with wifi connection.  It uses battery life every time it search for signal.
by 23and14and20

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