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in Pandora by rebecca499

1 Answer

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To listen to Pandora without Wi-Fi, follow these steps:

1. Tap Profile.

2. Tap the Settings symbol (the ringing).

3. Tap the Offline Mode slider to turn Offline Mode ON.

At the point when you empower Offline Mode, the substance Pandora downloads to your cell phone relies upon your membership level:

Depending upon your subscription plans, you have the following services in an Offline Mode of this application:

Pandora Plus: Pandora downloads your best three stations (that is, the three stations you've tuned in to most) and your Thumbprint Radio to your cell phone and makes them accessible without Wi-Fi or internet.

Pandora Premium: Tap My Collection, and afterward tap the Download symbol alongside the qualified tunes you need to tune in, In the Disconnected or Offline Mode.
by rebecca499

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