Tips & Tricks
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in Spotify Music by emmagreen

1 Answer

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Lyrics are the heart and soul of artists music. They’re essential for creating a personal connection with your fans. Making your lyrics accessible to fans is that’s why so important, especially on platforms where people listen most–like Spotify. What is the best way to get your lyrics up?

 Now let me show you the right ways to add lyrics to Spotify on your mobile or desktop devices.

Let’s start!

 Click on Add Lyrics

Luckily it’s very simple. If lyrics are not available simply click on button Add Lyrics. You will be driven to Login into Musixmatch.

The fastest way to make an account without leaving Spotify is to connect using Google+ or Facebook.

You can also create an account with your email but Musixmatch will open in a new browser window for you to complete their sign up form.

 Write lyrics

When you are logged into Musixmatch screen will appear. The add lyrics. Simply way of adding lyrics is just copy paste the lyrics and then press the button save changings.

Save Changes

On the top-right corner Click done and your changes will be saved.

When you saved changings you will see screen letting know you did it successfully.

Get Lyrics Synchronize

Synchronize your lyrics to the music then you will have the option.
by emmagreen

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