In order to verify that for how many times a song is being played or listened to by audience on Spotify, we can check that in “Popular” Section which is present and listed under artist’s Spotify profile. Those songs which are not listed in the “Popular” section are not considered or shown in play counts.
If songs are being played on Spotify, then all such songs are shown under “Popular” section. For instance, any song which is played and having less than 1000 streams would be shown in the form of “>1000”.Well, there are also some rules to measure the streams count or simply how to count streams on Spotify involves the following as follows:
- It is defined that when the song is listened for more than 30 seconds, only then the song stream is considered in counting for artists but if less than 30 seconds, it will not be included in counting otherwise.
- All of the songs streams since its release are added up like if a song appeared on several releases, it is counted in streaming count every time it’s being released.
- Whenever the listener is online at least a month, the stream is included in the count as downloaded music.
- Your offline plays would also be added to your servers whenever you will get connected with internet next time.
In Spotify, the artist songs would be included in total streams specifically where the artist is declared either as a main artist or as a re-mixer whatever the case may be.