Tips & Tricks
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in DataCamp by rebecca499

1 Answer

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Within DataCamp, XP is a tool to track how engaged you are. It calculates automatically depending on your completion of courses, exercises, and other stuff.

Although you can complete many tasks by asking for the solution, which prevents you from gaining XP, you cannot disable XP in DataCamp.

In DataCamp, earned XP cannot be withdrawn. Only cancelling your account and re-creating it with the identical credentials would be an option. This should only be used as a last resort because the action is irreversible. We advise against deactivating your account if you have an active subscription, as this will not terminate your membership.

If you want to retake a course, you can Reset Course Progress, which erases all of your previous progress in that course as well as any saved codes.

The XP earned from a previously finished course will not be deducted from your overall XP.

You will earn XP as you move through DataCamp's tasks, allowing you to track your progress.
by rebecca499

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