Tips & Tricks
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in DataCamp by rebecca499

1 Answer

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Within the DataCamp platform, there are several roles, each with its own set of permissions.

For Admin: Admins have complete administrative control over an organization, including access to invoicing and subscription-related duties, organization settings, upsells, and inviting other admins.

Admins can invite new admins, managers, and members, as well as assign existing members to any of these roles. An administrator can change their own role, but each organization must have at least one administrator. You can also have many administrators.

For Manager: Organization member management, content-related functionality (assignments, custom tracks, etc.), and organization-level reporting are top priorities for managers. They have restricted administrative access to an organization, with no ability to do billing or subscription-related actions, invite members/redeem licenses, upsells, or change organization settings.

They can take the following specific actions:

  • First, create and manage the team.
  • Custom tracks for the organization can be seen, edited, and managed.
  • The organization's assignments can be seen, created, edited, and managed.
  • View data exports and advanced reporting pages.

Among the things they are unable to do are the following:

  • Within the platform, purchase a new license or upgrades.
  • By email or by creating a fresh invite link, invite new members to the organization (i.e., license redemption) (they can see and copy existing invite links created by Admins, but cannot create their own)
  • Edit your organization's settings, such as billing and SSO configuration.

For Team Manager: Team managers are responsible for team member management, team content (team assignments, for example), and team reporting.

They have complete administrative access to all features inside all teams of an organization to which they belong, but no administrative access to the organization as a whole or to teams to which they do not belong.

For Member: In a typical DataCamp company, members account for the vast majority of users. In your organization, members do not have administrative rights. They can, however, use DataCamp to browse and complete assignments, enroll in custom tracks, see leader boards, and take content. 

by rebecca499

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