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Hi does anyone know of a way to stop my phone becoming hot while i charge it ? thanks
in International and Long Distance by ben-johnson

2 Answers

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Generally, this happens because of the ageing of the battery. Take out your battery and place it in a table and try to spin it, if it spins then it means your battery is bulging and it needs replacement.

if the battery doesnot spins the check this out

Another way is just reverse the polarity of your charger just by inserting the charger in the opposite order in the socket means the charger terminal which was connected to phase should now be connected to neutral and vice- versa. reason the charger is AC-DC converter. By reversing the polarity may help.
by goldy-kakkar-5
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Yes You should check out your battery power and go to market and ask for same power charger.Have Funn!!!
by cyber-teacher

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