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in Satellite Telecom (TV & Internet) by talla

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ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN

By using ZenMate you can hide your location from chorome

Unblocks websites. Encrypts your browser traffic. Wifi & Hacker protection. ZenMate is free, easy to install and use!
ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN is trusted by over 4 mio. users, and won the Europas Award for Best Security/Privacy Startup of 2014. Join the world’s fastest growing VPN solution to unlock sites and enjoy advanced protection on the web!

✔ Total Security & Privacy:

Encrypts and secures all your browser traffic! ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN gives protection for you and your browser whether you're at home, on the go or using public WiFi. Better than any simple proxy service out there!

 ✔ Total Freedom:

Unlock the internet with all its sites and and hide your IP by changing your location using our VPN. Choose from 5 countries across the world!

 ✔ Total Speed:

Benefit from our advanced data compression and experience maximum browsing speed with our built-in accelerators.

~~ Why ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN is essential for your device ~~

ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN can unlock the web , gives you free protection and encrypts all of your browser traffic. Change your location with our vpn to access sites in the web that are not available in certain areas. Hide your IP address and secure your traffic through encryption with a single click! Access sites in the web that are not available in certain areas way faster than using a simple proxy service. It will always keep you safe. Unlike simple proxy apps ZenMate will give you advanced protection. It is easy to use, secure and works everywhere - at home or in public Wifi - acting as your personal hotspot shield. Alternative services often only provide a simple vpn solution to unlock sites or hide your IP. Unlike ordinary proxy services ZenMate keeps snoopers from spying on your web browsing activities, downloads or credit card information.ZenMate Security & Privacy VPN provides full protection, privacy and encryption on your browser - for more freedom in the web and to be as safe as possible. Try it now for FREE!

~~ Protection Guaranteed ~~

As a German company, we are bound to strict data privacy laws and do not track any IP or connection data. Unlock the internet and stay safe. We have nothing to hide! Find out more here:

~4.5 mio. users already trust ZenMate! Also check out our free mobile version!

Available at:

~~ About us ~~

Our international team comes from 8 countries, speaking over 12 languages. We are passionate about freedom of the internet, security and encryption at home and in public Wifi. Team ZenMate stands for ideas and products that save human beings from harm in the internet - without being exposed to malware. Founded in 2013 in Manchester, UK, ZenMate is now headquartered in Berlin, where we’re under the jurisdiction of Germany’s strict data laws, meaning we’re not allowed to keep logs of any users’ connection activities.

~~ Security Advice ~~

ZenMate strongly advises its users to utilize the free extension “FlashControl” [available in the Marketplace]
in addition to ZenMate, to also prevent security threats caused by the Flash Player.
by qamar079

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