Tips & Tricks
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I want want to know according to the price which gives best value or feature.
in Smartphones by andyarnab

1 Answer

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I haven`t seen Galaxy Core 2, I can`t make myself an idea about it, but I can tell you few things about Motorola Moto G

This Android-based unit features 5MP and a battery able to last for 24h in 3G mode
by costin
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samsung have a good name among entire world,based on features,money,supports its all some achievements done by samsung .galaxy core 2 is a unique device.also moto g is some relavant to that..i prefer my friends to samsung
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If Galaxy Core 2 is a dual-sim, as I presume, than it`s obviously more reliable than the classical sim-based Moto G
On the other hand, the camera implied for this model is similar or less advanced than the one included in Motto G
In the end, it`s all about what you intend to to do with that smartphone and how it will fulfill your daily needs

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