Tips & Tricks
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in Smartphone Apps & Music by zyrus14

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Android security issues make the news just about every day, from malicious apps appearing in the Google Play app store to mobile malware spreading via SMS. While Android is a flexible and easy-to-use mobile operating system available on a wide variety of great devices, the mobile threat landscape has now made it essential for users to install additional security options.

Keep in mind that the most basic security precautions, like password-protecting your device and setting it to auto-lock after a specified period of time, don't require an app – both of those features can be accessed within Settings > Location & Security. And most Android devices offer a variety of unlock options, including a numeric PIN, a passwor

But don't stop there. From anti-virus apps (crucial at this point) to enhanced password protection, it's worth taking a look at several more advanced options. The vast number of security apps available for the platform makes it impossible to cover them all here, but what follows should give you a good sense of the options available when seeking further protection for your Android device and the data that resides on it.

Download ANti virus Software  for mobile :

1. Avast Mobile Security 

2. 360 internet security

by qamar079

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