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in Smartphones by gonzalo-guenzani

2 Answers

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Everyone will have their own opinions on this topic and as a long time iOS user i can't comment on android technology. Friends have androids and iOS and all have pros and cons. It all comes down to personal preference and what you like to use for what. Hope you get the answer you're looking for!
by ben-johnson
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I will give three reasons each, and you make the call.

  1. Why to Buy IOS: unlike Android, which is a fragmented operating system, releasing an app on IOS first makes it easier to develop for and easy to update. IOS is more secure operating system. If your phone crashes due to bugs, using an IOS, it can still work, you just have to restart the app. However, with Android, if an app crashes, it could take down the entire phone and forcing it to reboot.
  2. Why to buy Android: Android is almost infinitely customizable. The phones tend to have fun new features and technologies. And you can have your pick of phone at any price point.

 Even being said, you only can make your choice by really first using them both to find which one you like the most.

by lora

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