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in Calling Cards by goldy-kakkar-5

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With so many consumer devices accessing enterprise networks, mobile data security has become a top concern in the enterprise.

As an IT administrator, you have many tools at your disposal to secure corporate data, but you'll also need help from users. You could use mobile device management systems to require passcodes and remotely wipe devices when necessary, for example, plus make sure users are educated on how to keep data safe. Some employees might not know about or understand all the security tools that are built into their devices. They also might be unaware of the risks associated with downloading applications.

Check out these tips on mobile data security to learn more about the risks that smartphones and tablets pose to corporate data, what tools you can use to mitigate them and how users can help.

Securing corporate data

Mobile devices that carry enterprise data and access corporate networks can be risky in terms of keeping sensitive information safe. It's important to stop corporate data from leaking from users' devices, and there are many tools you can use, including remote wipe, encryption, mobile device management (MDM) software and more.


Apple security

Apple has a fairly strong reputation for security, but it's still possible for iPhones and iPads to get malware and then infect the enterprise. There are ways that hackers can get past the security features available on the devices. Some users don't even have features such as passcodes and FindMyiPhone enabled, which makes it even easier for data thieves to get the corporate information they want. Find out how Apple has improved security over the years, how your company's data could still leak and what -- if anything -- you can do about it.

by cyber-teacher

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