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I'd love a list of cheap unlimeted plans for iPhone in the US. I'm not concerned with contract length, but "unlimited" is key. Suggestions, please?
in United States of America by magstar

2 Answers

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Your best bet would probably be Sprint's Simply Unlimited. It's normally $60 for unlimited everything, but for a limited time it's $50 and I believe they grandfather you in under that price for so long as you have a subscription. I'm not 100% positive though, you'll have to find out the terms and conditions.

"The Sprint Simply Unlimited Plan specially drafted for the launch of the new iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus, includes Unlimited Talk, Unlimited Text and Unlimited high-speed Data. This limited time offer plan ends January 15th, 2015."

See more details here:$50-Simply-Unlimited-iPhone-6

If the plan is really what it says it is, I don't believe you'll find a nation wide carrier any cheaper.

Beyond that, there's prepaid carriers which average around $60 as well for unlimited data.

by cellnut
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Actually, none of the unlimited plans are really "unlimited" as they are terms and some restrictions attached to each of them. But you can go for verizon as their restrictions is lighter and data limit for top speed is minimal.
by morgansheri

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