
Search a text or word on a website in iPhone safari

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Search a text or word on a website in iPhone safari
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Once opening a website in safari, tap the URL displayed in the address bar of safari at the top of the window and clear the URL. In the empty address bar, type the search query. 

Once the query or the search word/phrase typed, there is an option at the bottom of the page saying 'On this page' shows the number of match found. Tap the 'Find' below this to highlight all the matching text in the page.

This tip is relevant to: Mobile OS | iOS 12 iPhone 7 Plus | . If this tip is related to a smart device, then it could be applicable to other similar devices and mobile OS as well.

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User reviews


It would be better if we have not to do that much to find our wanted page....It seems it is time taking process.Make easy process and short process to make it reliable.Thank u.