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in DataCamp by rebecca499

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The academic student strategy was swiftly implemented and proved to be a success. Professors who wished to update their teaching methods chose to spend a portion of their class budget on DataCamp access for all of their students for the semester.

The number of $9/month members progressively increased, finally accounting for 10% of our overall revenue.

Some of the important factors that influenced our choice to proceed to include:

Education as a Basic Right: Growing up in a place where education is nearly free (Belgium) and then going to a country where education is far from free (USA), you learn to cherish the worth of easy access to education regardless of background. DataCamp was able to deliver a similar experience to students all across the world through DataCamp.

Democratizing Data Science: One of the main motivations for establishing DataCamp was to make data science more accessible to the general public. Making academic program free seemed like a big step toward fulfilling that element of Data Camp objective.

by rebecca499

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